May 31st

Worship resources for Pentecost 31st May 2020

Service Video

297 The Spirit Came as Promised
101 Lord You Sometimes Speak in Wonders
298/299  Spirit of the Living God
282 Breathe on Me Breath of God

1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 20:19-23

Call to Worship for Pentecost
When the day of Pentecost had come,  they were all together in one place.  And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-4a).
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful people; and kindle in us the fire of your love.

Opening Prayer
O rushing wild spirit of God
pour out the fire of love upon us!
Unfurl your language upon our lips,
Unlock our minds to embrace all possibility
Unleash our hearts so Your justice flows freely.

O rushing wild spirit of God
pour out the fire of love upon us!
May your breeze bring health and wholeness,
May your breath heat our resolve,
May your Spirit storm the earth with mercy and grace.

O rushing wild spirit of God
pour out the fire of love upon us!
Set us free from self-doubt,
Make us listeners as we seek awareness,
Shake us awake when we forget our privilege.

O rushing wild spirit of God
pour out the fire of love upon us!
Amen. Amen. Amen.

~ written by Rev. Karla Miller, Minister of Community Life at Old North Church in Marblehead, MA. Posted on RevGalBlogPals.

Prayer of Confession
You call us to be your voices in this world
and we stay silent.

You call us to be your hands in this world
and we keep them hidden.

You call us to be your feet in this world
and we go our own way.

When we meet those who are doubting
and say nothing, forgive us.

When we meet those who need your touch
and do nothing, forgive us.

When we are called to take up your cross
and carry nothing, forgive us.

Breathe life into these bones
bring freedom to these lives
that we might declare
with heart and soul and voice
that you are our Lord and our God. Amen

~ written by John Birch, and posted on Faith and Worship.

Prayers for others – Come, Holy Spirit, Come
Holy One, We are not sure what it would be like if the Holy Spirit blew through our churches again as it did on the day of Pentecost.  However, we want to speak the language that you have given, louder, and  more clearly in  our lives and church. So we pray, come Holy Spirit come, pour out your fire of love upon us to be the body of Christ in a world that is often hurting, hungry, and cynical.

We want to bring the good news to the poor, heal the broken-hearted, preach deliverance to captives, bring recovery of sight to the blind and set at liberty all that are bruised. As your disciples, we pray for all who suffer, are poor, despairing, burdened, blind and battered.

In your loving breeze, we pray for health and wholeness for those who are physically ill, for those who are mentally ailing, for those who are money sick, for those who are spiritually unwell.

We pray for the healing of your creation, and the renewal of the face of the land. We pray for those who are thirsty, that they would drink from your fountain of living waters and never thirst again. Amen.

~ written by rev karla, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.

Benediction for Pentecost
As you enter a new week, may you experience God’s presence.

May you feel God pouring out the Holy Spirit over your heads and your thoughts and the words of your lips, over your hearts and your feelings and emotions and your compassion for all others, and over your hands and your feet as you put into action all that God commands you.

During this week, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with each of you; Amen.

~ posted on the Presbyterian Church of Canada website.