May 24th

Worship Resources for May 24th

Service Video

60          O God of all creation
570       Go forth and tell
15           Let us sing
586       We’ve a story

Acts 1:6-14
John 17:1-11 

Call to Worship
Because Jesus ascended and sits at the right hand of God, a new world has broken into ours — a world in which justice does come for the poor, freedom comes for the prisoners, and healing for the sick.

Because Jesus ascended and sits at the right hand of God, a new community has been formed — a community that loves and cares for all members, a family that welcomes all who are abandoned and rejected, a place where all find a place of belonging.

Because Jesus ascended and sits at the right hand of God, a new creation has begun —all that was distorted is being restored, all that is corrupted is being renewed, all that was broken is being made whole.

Because Jesus ascended and sits at the right hand of God, God’s new world has begun.

~ written by Christine Sine, and posted on Godspace.

 Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Luke 24:44-53 and Acts 1:9-11)

Too often, Lord God, we are hesitant in our proclamation;
seeking safe and suitable opportunities to speak of our faith.

Too often, Lord God, we are half-hearted in our service;
reluctant to stand out from the crowd or to attract criticism.

Too often, Lord God, we live as if dependent wholly on our own resources;
relying on our perceived skills and modest insights.

Too often, Lord God, we look to the clouds for our inspiration,
in the vain hope of finding you there.

Forgive the poverty of our efforts and the frailty of our faith and open wide our hearts and minds to the immanent presence of our Risen, Living and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ.

In his name we pray and say together:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.

~ written by Rev. Malcolm Macdougall, and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.


Prayers for others
God of all things seen and unseen, if you had insulated yourself from the pain of the world, then your name could not be love and our condition would be without hope. Thank you for being so personally involved, for revealing your complete commitment in Jesus of Nazareth. Through him we pray with hope, in him we pray with love. For his sake we pray please reveal your compassion and bring wholeness to all.

Let your healing love be known this day by all who suffer ailment of body, or distress of mind, or agony of spirit

Let your intimate love be known today by all who feel forgotten or lost, and all who are walking in the dark valley of despair.

Let your fierce love this day redress the wrongs of all who suffer exploitation, injustice, abuse, neglect, violence or unwarranted imprisonment.

Let your nurturing love today encourage those who are gathering resolve to make tough decisions, take on new responsibilities, or break free from some bondage.

Let your relentless love this day upset congregations that have become self-centred or even contemptuous of other churches.

Let your reconciling love today gather together the separated Christians, and make them aware of the fellowship and mission of the one, universal body of Christ

Let your inspiring love this day rejuvenate pastors, priests and prophets who have become weary to the very roots of their souls.

Thank you for hearing us, most loving God. With the whole body of believers in time and eternity, we want to love, praise and serve you, today and evermore. Through Christ Jesus your true Son. Amen!

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage.

As you go from this place, remember this: Our God reigns!
He is robed with majesty and armed with strength.
His kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting.
He holds our world and our lives securely.
So do not be afraid,
but go from here with confidence,
knowing that the God who goes with you
is greater and more powerful
than anything else you will face this week.